Peruvian Pharaohs: Enigmatic migrations of the ancient world; by Miles Poindexter
The First Authoritative Work on the Aryan Question, that is not of European Authorship
Ex-Senator Poindexter has carried on such extensive research into the little known subject of the early migrations of the human race, that this book ‘‘Peruvian Pharaohs‘‘ is certain to be accepted by all students seeking authority on this subject. As Ambassador to Peru, during five years, he found the opportunity to verify and prepare the material gathered by his studies for this monumental work. The unity of human culture is set forth, and the relationship of language and religion throughout the world, including America, from the earliest era of which we have knowledge to our own race and time. It is made clear that a study of ancient America throws light on the early civilizations of Asia. The book submits convincing reasons for believing that civilization was more highly developed and that mankind in very early ages had reached a higher knowledge of science and philosophy than has generally been supposed. From Central Asia, this culture extended both east and west, and reached America both by way of the Pacific and by way of Europe. It is now realized that in these discoveries Asia was many years ahead of Europe and that culturally and racially the America which Columbus discovered was really a part of the Old World.
5 x 8 in, 662 pages
First published in 1938