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Socialism Unmasked: Who Propagated It—How and Why


“Most people look upon Socialism as a great democratic movement that has grown up spontaneously. The actual facts are here presented. There is nothing in the least democratic about Socialism, although it makes much play with the word “Democracy”. Its history is a story of subterfuge and intrigue; of tiny minorities engineering themselves into control of apathetic majorities.

As will be seen, it is extremely doubtful whether Karl Marx, prophet of modern Socialism, had any sincere belief in the theories he propounded. He preached a gospel of plunder and violence, and later sought to manufacture a “scientific” basis for it, which basis will not hold water.

Just as business-men have been deluded into supporting the present money system, so trades unionists have been propagandised into supporting Socialism. Both things operate to exactly the same end, the concentration of all control in the hands of small minority, and the reduction of the rest of the population to propertyless serfdom.”
